Should I Use Ankle Tape?

Ankle tape may be one of the most common preventative measures taken by athletes today. We've all had that one teammate who couldn't seem to stop rolling their ankle and would use either tape or braces ALL THE TIME. Is there benefit to using ankle tape? Is using ankle tape productive? Should I even use ankle tape? We'll answer all those questions today!

Connor Lyons

Connor Lyons is a strength and conditioning coach with 14 years of experience. He’s a graduate of USF’s Morsani College of Medicine and recieved his degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology. He’s spent time at the University level, in the private sector and even spent time at the Olympic level. He’s a firm believer in patterning, positioning and strength being the foundation for all performance in sport and in life. He’s the owner of The Lyons Den Sports Performance and Strength Coach University.

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