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Want a Better Pump? Take This!
Glycerol is probably the most underrated pre-workout supplement on the market. So much so that I’d be willing to bet that you’ve never even heard of it. This week’s article is going to dive into the PUMP, and how this can be amplified by using glycerol!
Creatine: What is it and Why Aren’t You Using it?
We currently have more information on creatine than we do on any other dietary supplement on the market but it still gets a bad rap from uneducated people spouting off about how their doctor told them it’s not safe, but it is absolutely safe! Creatine is a great supplement for just about everyone on the planet and we’re going to dive into how it functions and the benefits of it in this article.
The Dreaded Dad Bod
Ever wondered why you look kind of skinny in clothing but when you go shirtless you look like a wet sack of potatoes? We’ll, you’ve more than likely got that dreaded dad bod! This article will go over the causes of this horrid condition, and how we can fix it!
Westside for the Undersized Hockey Guys and Gals!
Are you an undersized hockey guy or gal? Check out this 10 week program that will help you not only put on size, but maintain and increase athletic abilities at the same time!
You Should Be Fatphobic*
The obesity epidemic in the US is destroying our quality of life. You ask why I’m fatphobic, and I’m asking why aren’t you?
The Problem with Facilities like F45
Group training classes can be an incredible thing for many people, but as much as they tell you they're designed for everyone they aren't. We're going to look at their downfalls here!